Cookston Crafts

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What's next.....

I thought it was time for an update on where I’m at and what’s next for Cookston Crafts.

Online Sales

I am so relieved that we sorted out this website last summer! It has meant that I have managed to continue trading during the current pandemic.

As all of my summer shows (Portsoy, Peterhead and Yarndale) have been cancelled, selling online will need to be my main focus over the coming weeks and months.

  • I’ve added a few new products like the commercial yarn, fibre and haberdashery which were previously only available in the workshop.

  • Online gift cards are also now available.

  • All the old out of stock products have been reinstated to a separate section of the site. So when an item sells out, customers can be notified by email when the product is back in stock and this gives me a good idea of what to dye each week.

  • I’ve added a list of the bases I stock so you can now drop me an email if there is a specific quantity you require or an alternative base required.

Shop Opening

At the beginning of the year I started opening the workshop to visitors and as the lockdown measures ease into Phase 2, I’d love to start welcoming you all back! I’ve been risk assessing this and will probably run this on an appointment basis Mon - Fri afternoons once the school work has been done!

In the meantime, I thought I would trial a video chat service every Friday afternoon by appointment. I can put yarns together for you, chat through various options and give advice on quantities required. I know it’s not the same as squishing in real life but hopefully this might help some of you. Just email me to arrange.

Online workshops

Well, I had grand plans for this at the beginning of lockdown!

Unfortunately, I can’t foresee any actual classes taking place in the workshop any time soon. I enjoyed doing some live tutorials for kids and adults but with our poor internet signal, I found uploading pre-recorded videos frustrating to say the least.

As well as this, my priority has been taking care of the kids and their schooling. Having three at different levels and all needing one to one support has been really hard on us all. We are trying to get by and not worry about things too much but I am finding that by the time we have completed our daily activities, my brain just can’t focus on anything else. Something has to give and while I would still like to work towards some online paid workshops at some point, at the moment, my main focus has to be ‘attempting’ to keep my family happy.


I will admit that I have struggled to dye anything other than my hair regularly and it felt like I’d lost my mojo a bit!

Not to worry though, I ordered a heap of new yarn bases and dyes and hope that this kick starts me again! The new bases include a gorgeous Alpaca, Linen Silk 4 ply and a Silky Single Ply fingering as well as a few new lace-weight yarns too.

Being able to go a bit further afield for exercise and inspiration certainly helps too. Just look at the colours in these photos of Gight Castle!

Treat Boxes

The treat boxes were so well received that I’ve decided to do them again with a new theme.

You’ll receive a surprise skein of 4 ply or double knit yarn and choose whether you want some extra treats from small local businesses. The pictures below give you an example of the Sweet Pea themed box that went out in May.

You can order here and it will be delivered at the end of June.

Craft Nights

I really, REALLY, miss our craft get together’s and It’s something I’d like to do virtually on a more regular basis. We did attempt a Zoom a few weeks ago but I know some of you struggled with it (including me!). So let’s try a Facebook Room instead. This will take place within the Cookston Crafter’s Facebook Group and honestly it is really easy to use. What better day to do this than World Knit in Public Day on Saturday 13th June at 3pm! Just look out your project and join the room and we can have a catch up. :-)

Virtual Yarn Shows

As I’ve mentioned already all the summer yarn shows I had planned to attend have been cancelled. However the people behind Spring into Wool created the Online Wool Show and very kindly asked if I’d like to take part. There are plans for this to go ahead again on Sat 20th and Sun 21st June for a Summer Solstice Celebration. They are planning live interviews, zoom knit and natter and fashion shows as well as discounts and special offers. It is likely that the other shows planned for later in the year may follow a similar format. I’ll keep you posted.


Shipping has been limited to once a week (every Thursday) with free shipping on all UK orders over £30. I have to say I’ve been seriously impressed with all of the fantastic Royal Mail staff who have worked so hard to help keep businesses running. Most first class parcels have been delivered the very next day! As things ease, I will be adding another shipping day on a Monday.

Phew, my head feels clearer just for getting all of that down on paper!

Take care everyone and I’ll update again soon.